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Why Should You Join KROA?

Member Benefits

Discounts on up-to-date Oregon state specific, legal, court-tested rental forms and books. Forms are created and maintained by the Oregon Rental Housing Association.

Landlord and property management education - local seminars, workshops and local experts at most monthly meetings.

Networking opportunities with local property managers and seasoned landlords. Tap into 100's of years of combined experience at one of our monthly meetings.

Legislative updates and representation through the Oregon Rental Housing Association.

Discounts, specials, rebates and information from vendors in related industries.

Our Mission

Service - Klamath Rental Owners Association serves the rental housing industry in Klamath County by providing Oregon state specific rental forms, a voice in Salem, advice and help to owners and property managers.

Education - Klamath Rental Owners Association believes education is the key to success in every business and being a rental property owner IS a business, whether you have a single house or 100's of apartments. We provide educational opportunities during our monthly meetings and with seminars and workshops.

Encouragement - Klamath Rental Owners Association encourages all landlords and property managers to reach for high standards in our rental units, to strive to provide the best service to the rental public and to understand the rights and responsibilities under current local, state and federal law.


To be eligible for Klamath Rental Owners Association membership, you must:
  • own at least 1 income property in Klamath County, or
  • be employed as an on-site manager of a rental complex, or
  • be a licensed real estate broker managing property for others, or
  • be a licensed property manager
link to Oregon Rental Housing
link to Fair Housing Council
link to Klamath County Chamber of Commerce

copyright © 2015 - 2021 - Klamath Rental Owners Association
2795 Anderson Ave., Suite 101
Klamath Falls, Oregon 97603

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